Saturday, October 31, 2020


Future of  Student Nurses without Gadgets

The Future of  Nursing the way nurses are changing is the way nursing is, we hear a lots of stuff like, holistic care, so its not just looking for the patient, its sort of looking at them as a person and everything that encompasses that person. Its an exciting  its constantly progressing as well as, its constantly evolving. Nowadays, Students are getting involved in several gadgetic things because of the pressure of studies as well as not completing the course, They are continuously using social media to solve any problems regarding their studies or future. It is very well said that in 2020 it is very necessary to upgrade ourself by using smartphones and different gadgets for new information's and news. But if i talk about the Nursing information, Nursing knowledge students got adapt to use phones instead of Books for  any doubts, which can be the habit or may got  an addiction.

Students are picking phone for using learning the small topic instead of choosing books, As we all know that the best learner is the only one who chooses book contents rather than google information, because sometimes it goes in a wrong way. Although students can also choose books and google information too, The combination of both will be the strength of your answers. But using only google contents can be a curse.   

Without smart phone and  to spend a bit more time without it. Besides for feeling slightly isolated, its not too bad. I’ve been doing this thing that I know I would not be doing if my phone was sitting next to me, shiny screen beckoning. According to some Researchers, On average people check their phones 34 times a day, sometimes with only 10 minutes a break between checks. 94% peoples felt panicked if they lost their phone, specially in young adults and some feels “desperate” .

Honestly, when my phone died while I was working my research work, I definitely felt the faint flutter and panic. I continuously trying to open my phone when it got hanged, and returned an hour later to a blank screen, I would say there was an element of desperation as I stabbed violently at the home button And power button, Thinking about my beloved apps like FB where I use to share MEMES, WhatsApp texts and important notifications which I missed from my friends. But actually its a boon to have time for yourself as well as you can make schedules to study reliably, Its is a fact that 15% of the content  related to medical information is wrong .Students are now using google as a medicine book, They use  browsers and several sites online for taking any pills without showing to the doctors which may harm your health. It is very important to take prescription of any drugs you are using, and not using self-practices. Not only about the medicines, it about using the browser for studies. We Nurses studies various Normal values, Ranges of HB, BUN etc. In different sites you got different results, But if you study from the books you will get one result and that is for sure helped you for your exam.

   I realized,  once and for all how everyone is reliant towards the phone. In a way, I could never truly be present regardless of what I was doing, because of the fact that the whole world is in my pocket all the times. Each day starts the same-Rubbing my eyes to the pings while still on bed, Took me sometimes to actually take in the fact -It was just a damned phone a THING, “not a person” and that I should accept it now.. Life has become very dependent on the cellular phone, people can’t go out of home without it, and if they forget it at home, they feel as if they have left some important part of themselves at home.

It is true to say that the smart phones has turned in to an extension of the human body.

Young people can hardly imagine how the world before the smart phones was. This small instrument has become such an integral part of their lives and they cannot imagine life without it. Actually people of all ages cannot spend time without it.

It hits upon me- the cruel truth of the viral Pandemic- the “Internet mesh work; that had led me to forget pending enough time with myself !

Future of nurses are in the hands of authors who have written several books for us, not in the hands of browser application, we may get lots of problems by using continuously using smartphone in our daily  life which distract us, causes disorders of eye, as well as shrink our capability of understanding the problems.

How was life before the age of the smart phone ?

Wasn’t it, Entertaining.. People lived and existed.. They were more aware of what was happening around them, unlike people today, who divide their attention  between the screen of the phone and the world around them. I don’t say that phone is not important in our life, use it.. entertain yourself, but do not forget your prior things, and the most important thing is TIME. Give value to the time because TIME IS PRECIOUS, Now a days nobody is punctual, nobody is on time, being punctual doesn’t make you principalistic, In fact having principles in your life is a boon.

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