Friday, July 3, 2020

Bad habit of Nurses

Bad habit of  Nurses that can be overcome.

No Nurse is Perfect, But need to be perfect

If you want to be a perfect nurse. It is necessary to defeat all the bad habits which are made by the nurses. On every new year we used to make some resolutions, and forget those resolutions after some days or months. If you have a habit of saying yes in all works ganit proves that you have a bad habit of doing work in hospital.

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I am going through the top bad habits which always a nurses go through in the hospital
And of course every single nurse have not these habits, but I am sure one of the bad habit pointing you may have touched your life. 

There are some habits that every nurse needs a reminder to adopt in the workplace to make themselves and their work environment more efficient! 

let me know if you are guilty of any of these comment me below: 

Gossiping (spilling tea): 

Everybody wants to know the story of others life that what happened in that ward? what happened with my colleagues? Donot checkout in others life. pay attention in your patients, in your work, be obedient. 

 Blamming others or getting punitive:

If your blamming your unfinished works to your colleagues, that may creat problems. Nurses do everything in a perfect manner but if there is any  default or error happened in your work you always blame others to protect your image.

Nurses always pointout their finger to others whenever the error occur, Instead of pointing finger they should find to prevent the problem.

Vexed or disappointed Nurse: 

The nurse who have always problem in everything like if the stocks of anything is not available in the ward they always leave the work over there because of having lack of material. 

The nurses should always have an inner managerial skills. the disappointed nurses will always see a glass of water is half full rather than using  the available resource. 

leaving the medication half/empty:

leaving the medicines in the patient room or beside the patient this may cause a biggest fault, because living it near to the patient the patient may get confused and may cause overdose.

repeatedly forgetting to report the intake output charting
not reporting about intake output may cause the biggest blunder for the next shift nurse.

Dawdle and delaying the work : 
Procastinating your work will not make you sincere Nurse. for example if you have an emergent issues and have to take one blood sample and you just avoid that and doing some other work. By giving another work to your priority list is same as you are neglecting your work.
Be a dedicated nurse make your work according to the priority of patients diesease rather then the work which is easier for you.

 Eating harmful/ deletarious food: 
Most of the nurses life is hectic even almost every nurses life is hectic and always relying on junk food. it is very important to have their meal of their own and make a habit of taking tiffin to the hospital always.

Don't be slow: 
Some nurses are very slow in their work that may lead to incomplete work and the consequences have been experienced by the other shift nurses.
You may not be able to do the work in emergency situation because of your speed and if you do it creates a problem. 

If you want to speed up your work make the time limits of each and every work so that you can complete your work early or on time. 

Shortcuts :
Shortcuts are always been proven wrong. The more you take short cuts the bigger your issues will be. 

Suppose a Nurse shift is from  6am to 2 pm, and the nurse have already charted the prescribed medicine (magnesium sulfate), so that you complete your work fast, which has to be given thrice a day before giving it to the patient. 

And the patient died at 12 pm in your shift, and the charted medicine is the proof showing shortcut behaviour of the Nurse.For making your Nurse life shorcut free do your work efficiently without under pressure. 

Not checking the expiry dates 

and leaving the IV sets after completing the IV fluid bottles. 
Getting too emotional: Nurses should always be strong enough to handle any situation. 

Make decision smartly, Getting emotional in any situation like mourn or if listen a bad news about someone will be the toughest part of the nurse. Nurses always be there for supporting psychologically to the patient party. 

Bedside conversations: 

Donot discuss about other patients results infront of the patient. some patients diagnosis is confidential and intended solely.

Coming hospital distracted: The nurses should always be focused in their work, donot get distracted simply by other problems do your work sincerely. 
This may get decrease your colleagues zeal in their work. 

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